Terveystaloustieteen tapahtumat & avoin työpaikkailmoitus


Tiedoksenne terveystaloustieteen tulevia tapahtumia ja avoimia työpaikkoja:

  1. Erikoistutkija, terveystaloustiede, Kela, vakituinen työsuhde - Hae viimeistään 28.2.2024
  2. EuHEA PhD & Supervisor Conference 2024 28.-30.8.2024 - Call for Abstracts open now! Submission DL 15.3.2024
  3. Summer school: Bayesian methods in health economics, Florence (Italy) 22.-26.7.2024

Tarkemmat tiedot tapahtumista löydät alta.


  1. Erikoistutkija, terveystaloustiede, Kela, vakituinen työsuhde - Hae viimeistään 28.2.2024

Kelan tutkimusyksikkö hakee erikoistutkijaa vakinaiseen työsuhteeseen 1.6.2024 alkaen tai sopimuksen mukaan. Kelan tutkimusyksikössä pääset tekemään tutkimusta ajankohtaisista sosiaaliturvaan ja Kelan toimintaan liittyvistä teemoista monitieteisessä tutkijayhteisössä. Tutkimusyksikkö koostuu noin 60 tutkijasta. 

Lue lisää työpaikasta sen ilmoituksesta: https://ura.kela.fi/job/Tampere-Erikoistutkija%2C-terveystaloustiede/1033464601/


2. EuHEA PhD & Supervisor Conference 2024 28.-30.8.2024 - Call for Abstracts open now! Submission DL 15.3.2024                      

Dear colleagues,

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, together with the Center for Health, Policy, and Economics at the University of Lucerne, is proud to host the 11th EuHEA PhD & Supervisor Conference, to be held in Lucerne on August 28-30, 2024.

The PhD & Supervisor conference presents a great opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers in the field of health economics to present their ongoing research and receive feedback from colleagues with expertise in their field of study.

A specific feature of the conference is its interactive format in which each presented paper will be discussed by another student's supervisor. This format and the friendly and constructive environment make this conference an excellent place to gain new insights, get feedback, and network with peers. The beautiful city of Lucerne, the surrounding mountains, and Lake Lucerne will make a great place to be in August 2024.

We invite all those who are interested in presenting to submit an abstract until March 15: https://cfp.euhea.eu/conf/phd2024

The keynote speaker will be Prof. Libertad González, Associate Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona School of Economics.

We look forward to welcoming you to Lucerne!



3. Summer school: Bayesian methods in health economics
Date: 22-26 July 2024
Venue: CISL Study Center, Florence (Italy)

COURSE ORGANISERS: Gianluca Baio, Nathan Green, Howard Thom and Natalia Kunst

This summer school aims at providing an introduction to Bayesian analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods using R and MCMC sampling software (such as OpenBUGS and JAGS), as applied to cost-effectiveness analysis and typical models used in health economic evaluations. We will present a range of modelling strategies for cost-effectiveness analysis and also focus on more recent methods for Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis and research prioritisation, including Value of Information calculations.

The course is intended for health economists, statisticians, and decision modellers interested in the practice of Bayesian modelling and will be based on a mixture of lectures and computer practicals, although the emphasis will be on examples of applied analysis: software and code to carry out the analyses will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops for the practicals.

We shall assume a basic knowledge of standard methods in health economics and some familiarity with a range of probability distributions, regression analysis, Markov models and random-effects meta-analysis. However, statistical concepts are reviewed in the context of applied health economic evaluations in the lectures. Some knowledge of R is also recommended

The summer school is hosted in the beautiful complex of the Centro Studi CISL, overlooking and a short distance from Florence (Italy). The registration fees include full board accommodation in the Centro Studi. There are 20 places, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

More information can be found at the summer school webpage. Registration is available from the UCL Store. For more details or enquiries, email Professor Gianluca Baio.

Gianluca Baio
Professor of Statistics and Health Economics | Head of Department