Post doctoral research associate positions
Tiedoksenne työpaikkailmoitus JACARDI-hankkeessa, joka on suuri EU-rahoitteinen hanke (21 maata ja 77 partneria) ja hankkeessa terveystaloustieteellinen arviointi on keskeisessä roolissa. Hankkeelle haetaan kahta väitellyttä tutkijaa (Post-doctoral researcher), joilla on hyvät mallintamisen taidot. Tämä on hyvä mahdollisuus tehdä töitä eurooppalaisten tutkijoiden kanssa.
JACARDIa koordinoi Suomessa THL ja UEF on mukana kontribuoimassa metodologian kehittämisessä ja rekisteriaineistoa käsittelevässä työpaketissa. Tarkemmat tiedot työpaikasta löydät alta tai tarvittaessa voitte kysyä lisätietoa asiasta Ismo Linnosmaalta <>.
Dear all,
Please see the below details of new job opportunities from the Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation at Imperial College Business School in conjunction with the University of Bocconi.
Post-doctoral Research Associate (2 Positions) on JACARDI
Duration: 2 years (initially)
Deadline: 15/12/23
Post-doctoral Research Associate in Computer Science on JACARDI
Duration: 2 years (initially)
Deadline: 15/12/23
Imperial College Business School has partnered with Bocconi University (Milan, Italy) in a European Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (JACARDI). As part of this project, several new post-doctoral research positions are being created. The successful candidates will be employed by Bocconi University and will be based partly at Bocconi and partly at Imperial College London (balance to be determined as a function of project needs and candidates’ profiles).
Prospective applicants should apply to Bocconi through the link at the top of this advert. Applications made directly to Imperial College are not permitted.
JACARDI, the Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and DIabetes is a European Joint Action (JA) funded through the European Commission’s EU4Health programme, involving 21 EU countries and 77 partners. Over 4 years, JACARDI aims at reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes (DM) in EU countries, both at individual and societal level.
The post-holders will join research teams at both Bocconi and Imperial College to lead a critical component of JACARDI, the health and economic evaluation of interventions aimed at preventing and treating cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
While formal employment will be with Bocconi, the appointed candidates will spend a significant proportion of their time in London working with the Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation (CHEPI) at Imperial College Business School. Working in London is subject to obtaining an appropriate visa.